Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dear friends and partners, Several months ago many of you received a support letter from us about our call to Poland. However, there has been an alteration to our plans that we’d like to tell you about. A couple months ago we were asked to take an evaluation with a doctor who works with many pre-field workers in assessing their readiness for overseas ministry. After going through this process it was pointed out that there are a couple issues (like Stephanie’s physical health) that will probably make life more difficult for us when we’re living overseas. In light of these things, it has been decided that it is in our best interest to slow things down and put off moving to Poland so that we can find some healing. We want to emphasize the point that we’re not canceling our plans to move to Poland, but that we’re taking more time to prepare so we can be healthier and better equipped when we do move. We will not be proactive in raising more funds until we’re given the “go” from our church leaders and Josiah Venture. Josiah Venture especially wants us to communicate that the results of our evaluation does not change the way they view us and that they are still excited to have us on their team when the time is right. As our team leader in Poland says, “this is no surprise to God”. God’s timing is indeed perfect and best. During this period, we’ll be seeking help from doctors and being proactive about improving Stephanie's physical health. I will be looking for additional employment while still serving at Grace Community and Stephanie may try to cut back hours at her job so that she can get more rest. If you have already donated, please understand that these funds will still be going towards His Kingdom work through us. We’d love to connect with you so please feel free to contact us. Also, please pray: -that God’s healing hand would be on Stephanie and that He would guide us to the right doctors -that we would press into Him as we walk through this time as a couple -that God would fulfill His call for us in His timing -that God’s Kingdom work in Poland would be fruitful With His love,
Thomas & Stephanie Washington