Saturday, October 24, 2009

JV Orientation

Most of you know that we have been accepted by Josiah Venture to work in Poland. We just returned from our orientation in Chicago. It was such an awesome time! We were one of two couples heading out to Poland, and there were also two going to Czech Republic and one to Croatia. It was so cool to see how different we all were and how we will all bring something different to the teams in Eastern Europe. We are all on similar journeys. All of us have seen the hand of God gently guiding us toward ministry in our prospective countries. We all can see how He has gone before us to prepare us for this next step. I am amazed by His providence. I am encouraged to hear of the different struggles and paths we have taken to get to this place. For me, it was so great to be surrounded by people who share a similar vision and heart for the youth of Eastern Europe! I loved having that common bond. The vision of Josiah Venture is to see a movement of God among the youth of Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. All of us are being transformed by a movement of this Almighty, loving God in our own lives. Thank you Jesus, for never giving up on us and using our lives to transform others! I was reminded, once again, that we have joined the right organization-we love their vision, their mission, their model of ministry, their desire to dream big with bold faith, and their humility in relying completely on all He is to make it all come together! Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I know I am not the best writer, but I want to share my heart with all of you and I pray you feel encouraged by what He is showing me. Love in our Awesome Savior, Steph Washington


  1. Prayed for you often during the week and so glad you connected with those other couples. You'll come back to them again and again on the field.


  2. I am SO excited to have you come!!! I am praying for you and am so glad that you had a great time at orientation. I was with Nate on his first round! We still remember great times about that time! When do you go to MTI? With the Blairs? If so, I will see you in Colorado, again! I am and will continue to pray for you guys!

  3. thanks for sharing your heart.. so glad orientation was so great. praying for you as you prepare for such incredible things to come <3


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